What's Your Can?

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Real consumer's. imaginative designs that won a place on millions of Pepsi cans brought to full motion life.

What's Your Can?

What's Your Can?

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What's Your Can?




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Branding, Ad Campaign, Live Action, Motion, Compositing


Pepsi called on consumers to showcase their talent and imagination by asking how they would express their personalities on their favorite cola can.

What's Your Can? Pepsi fans are a varied, talented and passionate community, they were asked to submit their ideas for a can label based on their desires, interests and activities. Thousands of designs were submitted and the entire community was asked to vote on them to pick their favorites. Pepsi fans had to make some hard choices selecting which designs would show up on millions of LTO vintage cans. We brought some of the winning can designs to life to celebrate the spirit of all Pepsi fans and promote the campaign.

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What's Your Can?
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What's Your Can?
What's Your Can?
What's Your Can?



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